21 November 2019

Design of steel buildings and bridges

THEODORE L. KARAVASILIS, Accossiate Professor, Patras University

Abstract: Experimental and numerical results of research programs were presented with the scientific responsible speaker and funding from the European Union and UK Research Institutions. The specific programs have developed innovative connections and corresponding design methodologies that allow the disassembly and rapid replacement of structural members with damage with the aim of increasing the regressiveness of steel structures. The speech will present the design advantages for disassembly for seismic design situations (case of building damage after strong seismic charging) and for long-term design situations (case of damage to composite prefabricated bridges due to cumulative actions). The speech concluded with a brief presentation of the current activity of the newly established Group for Research and Design of Metal Constructions of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras (www.steel.civil.upatras.gr).