

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:

Brief CV:

Mr. Vasileios Papavasileiou enrolled after qualifying examinations in the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA in the academic year 2009-2010. His diploma thesis entitled "Experimental investigation MOMAT panels and proposals for improvement of their properties after wear" was prepared under the supervision of Prof. I. Raftoyiannis. In 2012 he completed his studies and received his Diploma in Civil Engineering NTUA. The same year he enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program "Structural Design and Analysis of Structures", at NTUA. He prepared his graduate thesis entitled "Rating Bailey Bridge Dynamic Characteristics and Investigation of Impact Reduction Methods in Body", under the supervision of Prof. I. Raftoyiannis, Assoc. and received his MSc Diploma in 2014. He is currently a PhD candidate since 2014 in the area of: "Fatigue of metal prefabricated bridges using composite materials" supervised by Prof. I. Raftoyiannis. After the death of Prof. Raftoyiannis, supervisor is Prof. Ch. Gantes.

Selected Publications:

  1. V.D. Papavasileiou, I.G. Raftoyiannis, “Strengthening and Maintenance Measures of a Bailey – Type Road Bridge”, (IJBE), Vol. 2, No. 3, (2014), pp. 59-66