Gkatzogiannis Stefanos

Miscellaneous Information
Brief CV
Dr.-Ing. Stefanos Gkatzogiannis studied civil engineering at the Engineering Faculty of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Diploma, 2012), with a focus on structural engineering. In October 2012, he joined the KIT Steel and Lightweight Structures – Research Centre for Steel, Timber and Masonry of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, where he conducted research relevant to the fields of FE analyses of steel structures, fatigue, corrosion fatigue, residual stresses and post-weld treatments, initially as a research assistant and later on as a research associate both at a doctoral and post-doctoral level until June 2022. His doctoral study under the title “FE Simulation of Residual Stresses from Welding and High Frequency Hammer Peening”, relative to the fields of structural engineering, computational mechanics, steel structures, thermomechanical simulation, impact and contact mechanics, was completed under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Ummenhofer in June 2020 and was given the distinction of Summa Cum Laude. Since October 2022, Dr. Gkatzogiannis serves as an academic fellow at the Institute of Steel Structures, NTUA teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate courses. Dr. Gkatzogiannis has participated in three research projects funded by the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations- AiF and one industrial research project funded by the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute – BAW. He is co-author of peer-reviewed journal papers and articles published in conference proceedings relative to the above-mentioned research fields. He has also served as a reviewer for several journals, while he has given invited lectures at symposia and workshops both in Greece and in Germany.
Selected publications:
- Knoedel P., Gkatzogiannis S., Holtschoppen B., Ummenhofer T.; "Seismic Design of elevated Silos and Tanks – a Study on Behaviour Factors", manuscript submitted at the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures SDSS 2022, Aveiro, 14-16 September 2022.
- Gkatzogiannis S., Knoedel P., Ummenhofer T.; "Investigating the Overturning Stability of Unanchored Containers with Finite Element Simulations", COMPDYN 2021, 8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Streamed from Athens 27-30 June 2021.
- Gkatzogiannis S., Weinert J., Engelhardt I., Knoedel P., Ummenhofer T.; "Corrosion Fatigue Behaviour of HFMI-Treated Butt Welds", International Journal of Fatigue 145 (4), 2021.
- Schubnell J., Carl E., Farajian M., Gkatzogiannis S., Knoedel P., Ummenhofer T., Wimpory R., Eslami H.; "Residual Stress Relaxation in HFMI-Treated Fillet Welds After Single Overload Peaks", Welding in the World 64, pp. 1107–1117, 2020.
- Gkatzogiannis S.; "Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stresses from Welding and High Frequency Hammer Peening", Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2020.
- Gkatzogiannis S., Weinert J., Engelhardt I., Knoedel P., Ummenhofer T.; "Correlation of Laboratory and Real Marine Corrosion for the Investigation of Corrosion Fatigue Behaviour of Steel Components", International Journal of Fatigue 126, pp. 90-102, 2019.
- Knoedel P., Gkatzogiannis, S., Ummenhofer T.; "Practical Aspects of Welding Residual Stress Simulation", Journal of Constructional Steel Research 132, pp. 83-96, 2017.
Grants and fellowships:
- Academic fellowship, NTUA Research Committee (Fund Number: 68/1612)
- Research Grant, German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (Fund Number: 21382 N)
- Research Grant, German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (Fund Number: 19227 N)
- Research Grant, German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (Fund Number: 18457 N)