Lignos Xenofon

- Position:
- Dr. Electrical Engineer
Miscellaneous Information
- Steel Structures Ι
- Steel StructuresΙΙ
- Light Metal Structures
- Building Materials
Selected Journal Publications:
- A.N.Kounadis, X.A.Lignos,"Buckling of Tube-Like Shells Filled with Other Material Under Uniform Axial Compression", Engineering Structures, 22, pp 961-967, 2000.
- X.A.Lignos, G.A.R.Parke, J.E.Harding and A.N.Kounadis, "A Comprehensive Catastrophe Theory for Non-linear Buckling of Simple Systems Exhibiting Fold and Cusp Catastrophe", Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 54, pp 175-193, 2002.
- X.A.Lignos, G.Ioannidis, A.N.Kounadis, "Nonlinear Buckling of Simple Models With Tilted Cusp Catastrophe", Int. Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 38, pp 1163-1172, 2003.
Selected Conference Papers:
- A.N.Kounadis, G.Ioannidis, X.A.Lignos, “The Effect of Thermal Stresses on the Postbuckling Response of Simple Structures”, Proceed. 3rd National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Thessaloniki, 30-31 Oct., 1998.
- X.A.Lignos, F.Bitou, E.Sindosi, G.T.Michaltsos, "Experimental Test on the Commonly Applied Methods for Corrosion Protection", Proceed. 4rd National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Patras, 24-25 May, 2002.
- A.N.Kounadis, G.Ioannidis and X.A.Lignos, "Stability Analysis of a Simple Two-Bar Frame using Catastrophe Theory", Proceed. 3rd European Conference on Steel Structures Eurosteel, Coimbra, 19-20 Sept., 2002.
- X.A.Lignos and A.N.Kounadis, “Post-buckling Analysis of Thin-Walld Asymmetric Angle Cross-Sections under Axial Loading”, Proceed of ICCES Conference, Corfu, 24-29 July, 2003.
- G.I.Ioannidis, I.G. Raftoyiannis and X.A.Lignos, “Theoretical and Codes Buckling Loads Predictions of Simple Frames”, Proceed of 7rd National Congress on Mechanics HSTAM Chania 24-26 June, 2004.
- X.A.Lignos, G.B.Benekos, P.M.Malesios and G.T.Michaltsos, "Experimental Test on Cathodic Protection Applied in Civil Engineering", Proceed of 4rd European Conference on Steel Structures, Eurosteel Maastricht, 8-10 June, 2005.
- X.A.Lignos, I. G.Raftoyiannis and G.T.Michaltsos, "A F.E.M. Research on the Contact Surface of Beam-to Column Bolted Joints", Proceed of 4rd National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Xanthi, Oct.2005.
- E.G.Grammatikakis., I.B.Koutsoukos, X.A.Lignos, "Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Steel End-Plate Beam to Column Joints", Proceed of 5rd National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Ioannina, Oct.2008.
- I.Vayas, O. Palkopoulou, Χ. Lignos, P. Tsoronis, D. Bakalbasis K.Moulkioti, “Μελέτη συμμίκτων πλακών με χαλυβδόφυλλα ISOBAU”, Proceed of 5rd National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Ioannina, Oct.2008.
- Cyril Douthe, Kostantinos Adamakos, Charis J. Gantes, Xenofon Lignos, “Experimental testing of arches with rectangular hollow”, Proceed of 6th European Conference on Steel Structures and Composite Structures, Eurosteel 2011, Budapest, Hungary,August 31 – September 2, 2011.
- Β. Κάρλος, Ξ. Λιγνός, Ι. Βάγιας, “Διερεύνηση συμπεριφοράς μεταλλικών βάσεων μηχανημάτων ΑΤΜ τύπου NCR”, Proceed of 6th National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Volos, Sept. 2011
- M.E.Dasiou, I.Vagias, X.Lignos, “Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Sandwich Panel”, Proceed of 6th National Conference on Steel Structures M.S.R.S, Volos, Sept. 2011.
- I.Vayas, M.E.Dasiou, X.Lignos, “Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Double Skin Metal Faced Insulating Panel”, Proceed of 6th International Conference on Manufactoring Systems, ICMS 2011, Iasi, Romania, Oct. 2011.